Mission Statement

gratuitous torso shot
Today is January 16 2006 and I have decided to start a blog because I need to have a mental colonic on a regular basis. I exercise a lot and that usually exhausts me to the point of fatigue but it's just not doing it like it used to.
So, first and foremost, this is for me. If anyone reads this and is entertained or can relate that is excellent, but I'm not doing it for anyone but me.
Additionally, I am going to be very frank here. Besides all the day-to-day bs there will be talk about sex, violence and some things that people may find disturbing, so if you don't like what you see, change the channel.
I'm looking forward to this and I wish I had started it sooner. Full Disclosure: I had a blog in 2003 that documented my re-entering the work force and all my related anxiety but that did not last long as that job sucked the life out of me. I promise to keep up with this one...And I will always tell the truth: that is why I will definitely change names and other identifying characteristics.
On another note, for those so inclined, I should be posting lots of gratuitous semi-nude shots of myself just because I like to...
So, first and foremost, this is for me. If anyone reads this and is entertained or can relate that is excellent, but I'm not doing it for anyone but me.
Additionally, I am going to be very frank here. Besides all the day-to-day bs there will be talk about sex, violence and some things that people may find disturbing, so if you don't like what you see, change the channel.
I'm looking forward to this and I wish I had started it sooner. Full Disclosure: I had a blog in 2003 that documented my re-entering the work force and all my related anxiety but that did not last long as that job sucked the life out of me. I promise to keep up with this one...And I will always tell the truth: that is why I will definitely change names and other identifying characteristics.
On another note, for those so inclined, I should be posting lots of gratuitous semi-nude shots of myself just because I like to...
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