Tuesday, January 17, 2006

HR People

Why is it that HR people are constantly griping about "employee retention" and attracting "qualified candidates" and "passive job seekers" yet, by and large, they are the most unpleasant employees in any organization?

I used to do some work for HR people and every time I would visit an office, the HR Assistant would practically spit at me and grumble "Are you here for an interview?" When I would say "No, I'm the consultant meeting with (insert generic HR Chick name here)Pam/Holly/Margaret" the HR assistant would get all nicey-nice. I'd sit and wait for Pam/Holly/Margaret and watch. I'd get offered water or coffee and the job applicants would get a smirk and a clipboard.

And HR people are forever going to conferences and seminars. They come back with oodles of re-purposed ideas and spend half a day tweaking their pointless little psychology tests. (What is your favorite color? Why? If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be? Why?)

And for a group of people who are privvy to the most confidential and personal information an organization has to offer, they are constantly blabbing: "I can't tell you who, but she works in accounting and developed a substance abuse problem after her twins were born last year." Uh, could it be Lana from accounting who's always late and has her newborn twins as her screen saver?

The only advice I can offer regarding an interview with an HR person is believe nothing they lead you to believe as you leave. They can't seem to resist saying something like "We'll definitely be seeing you again!" or "What's the best number ot reach you at?" when 15 minutes after you leave they are printing out and stamping your rejection letter.

My best advice towards HR people is try to get in through a back door and meet with a department head first. That's always fun because HR people hate when they meet with you second.


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