Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Dubai Mess

For the last 4 years we have been treated to breathless media reports on our "porous" ports and how only 5% of the cargo is inspected.

Can you imagine the furor if Dems had the white house and gave a contract to run the 5 top ports to a Middle Eastern country? It would be apoplectic.

Anyway, Dubya looks like a fool for:

1) Not knowing about it
2) Blindly defending it

His Conservative base is going to shit at the common sense "wisdom" of letting your "enemies" guard your Achilles heel.

Meanwhile, the entire Arab world is laughing at us as complete ideologues who persist in doing things that adher to our constitution (Fairness) yet makes no common sense.

And, on a purely primal level: we should not be putting a pseudo-country that borders fundamnetalist Islamic states and funnel in US goods to Iran via dummy corporations in charge of our ports. It is ludicrous. I feel about this the way I feel about ethnic or racial profiling: yeah, it sucks, but I didn't see any Japanese women and African-American men pin-pointed as terrorists on the four 9/11 flights so maybe we'll leave them alone at airport security and focus more on young, middle-eastern men.

What kind of a sweetheart deal resulted in this anyhow? This whol thing just has a Cheney odor to it...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush is a complete fucking idiot.

This story was on the AP, not sure if this will let me post a link, but here you go, you can at least paste into your browser.

It doesn't really say much, but hopefully, tomorrow it will be the big story.

11:36 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Yeah, this kind of major fuck up would be funny if it weren't so goddamned scary. How many times have I said that in the past 5 years? I'm sure the fuck ups will prove to be bullet proof on this scandal as well, like the oh, 200 or so that have come before.

12:35 AM  
Blogger mickeyitaliano said...

Do you remember that picture of Bush kissing that Sheik guy about ten months ago? Now we can kind of piece this shit together.

10:26 AM  

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