More About My Type

Johnny Messner

Rick Ravanello
Sometimes I am attracted to men who I catch in these fleeting roles on TV and look them up on IMDB.
Rick Ravanello and Johnny Messner are two such types. I saw Messner a few times on "The OC" and was immediately into him. Totally wide upper body. I even sat through the sequel to "Anaconda" just to watch him walk around wet and/or shirtless.
Rick Ravanello is a little harder to find. He had about a 30 second spot on "Desperate Housewives" last year as one of the construction guys working on Edie Brit's house and he was in this movie called "The Cave" which came and went fast. I am actually interested in seeing that movie because it is based on a genre thriller novel called "The Descent" by Jeff Long which I really enjoyed. It wasn't flawless, but it had some very original and chilling sections.
Anyway, both these guys have dark hair, wide bodies and are rugged. They remind me of guys who would have been stuntmen and never appeared in front of the camera a generation ago. But it basically sucks because I cannot find any decent (shirtless) photos of them online. Oh well.
Very generally, physically, I tend to like guys that are 30s to 40s, have dark hair and are strong. Kind of like me I suppose.
I was never a big proponent of “opposites attract,” at least physically. I actually think a lot of gay men are attracted to men they feel they resemble or men they would like to look like or men they feel are handsome enough to make their insecurities about their own looks go away.
By the same token, many are repulsed by men that remind them of how they used to look (there are a lot of makeovers in the gay world) or how they are afraid they may look. I also think my attraction to certain types is tied into the look of the boys I wanted to be friends with/wanted to be in high school. In high school I wanted to be a jocky guy and be friends with jocky guys. I wasn’t. So, as an adult I turned myself into a jocky guy and now can be friends with (have sex with) other jocky guys.
So much of gay life is making up for the psychic wrongs of our youth.
But that physical type I am attracted to is just a generalization. For me, it all comes down to chemistry and the way someone responds to me.
I had a very intense relationship a couple of summers ago with a 22 year old who had just graduated from college. He was blond and lean and 6’2” (I usually like guys around 5’9”) but he pursued me and that and his overall youth just turned me the hell on. He was such a tease and he had an absolutely beautiful ass (big firm ass on a tall lean kid) and he was suck a size queen and loved my fucking him. It was fun while it lasted.
And just like attraction is all about chemistry, what I enjoy sexually is all about chemistry. Some guys have just made me so crazy to get fucked by while other make me nuts to fuck them. Maybe that is the true definition of versatile. I have no idea. All I know is depending on who I am with I can go either way. Though I have not felt like bottoming in a very long time. I think there’s just so much more selection when you top. I find that the majority of guys I encounter that I am attracted to want to get fucked and that’s cool. But it also means that when I encounter someone I am attracted to who is adamant about being a top, I get off on being a bottom.
Anyway, back to Messner and Ravanello. I think Messner and I would fuck one another but Ravanello looks like a bottom. I’d like to find out.
Instead of watching "The Cave" you need to wait on the actual movie "The Descent". I have read many reviews about it and every one has praised how wonderful and scary it is. All I have heard or read about "The Cave" is how horrible it is.
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