Missing Groom

George Smith
I have been following this story as much as it can be followed and, let me tell you, it has not been easy. I have seen George Smith's parents on Larry King and his wife on Oprah Semple McPherson (where Oprah threw her bitch Gayle a bone and allowed her to share the stage) and read many stories and there are so many contradictions and the chain of events is just so muddy and no one seems to be able to tell the story in a coherant manner.
As much as I would like to villify the big bad cruise industry, I'm just not ready until I have more facts.
One thing I will say: whether or not she is telling the truth, how anyone can believe Jennifer Hagel is not telling the truth when she says she "doesn't remember" just proves my point that people have a very difficult time understanding something unless they have personally experienced it. What I mean is, if you have never blacked out from drinking, you just don't get it. I used to black out 2-3 times a week from about ages 17 to 22. I had entire experiences I do not remember. I had long, meaningful conversations I don't remember. I had sex I don't remember. Alcohol effects everyone differently.
And,if she did not blackout, somebody slipped her a mickey, rohypnol, whatever.
The following has nothing to do with any fact, it is just a perverse possibility and given the fact that there is so little to go on, it is as good as any:
George Smith was partying with four younger guys. That much has been established. He or one of those guys wanted Jennifer out of the way for a while and drugged her. George and one of those guys ended up back in his (empty) room between 3:30 and 4:00 AM. An argument was heard on both sides of the cabin and the neighbors called security. By the time security came by at 4:30, the room was empty. Perhaps either George or one of the guys wanted to get it on with the other and one and of them was not having it. A fight ensued and there was an accident and George was either killed or hurt (neighbors heard a loud "thud.") The other guy freaked out and hoisted George out the cabin and overboard.
Like I said, a wild guess but it would not be the first time an elaborate cover-up was conceived to hide an accidental death (Jon-Benet, anyone?)
Anyway, hopefully the Feebs will come up with something and Dr. Henry Lee will do more than charge a fortune and talk about how the investigation should have been handled...Time will tell.
And on another note, in researching this I came across this site dedicated to missing people. It's really sad but informative and reminded me of the following:
I knew a kid in 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade who was a year older. His name was Eddie. He was a little weird, a little violent and I only had to hang out with him because our parents were friends. One time he forced me do math flash cards against my will. It sound laughable and it kind of is but it was really disturbing at the time.
Anyway, we moved but our parents stayed friends and I later learned that in 7th or 8th grade Eddie ran away and never came back. My father said he went to Times Square and a "Chicken Hawk" got him. The NYPD and his father used to look for him (like George C. Scott in Hardcore) but they never found him. That used to give me nightmares when I was little...
Geez, this kind of "news" seems to be everywhere these days. I know this stuff is authentic "news," but its easy to imagine all the big cheeses pushing this stuff to the front, so they can ignore what's going on with our military-industrial complex, our government, our elections, etc.
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