
I know tons about movies and the movie business, from how they're made to what's in pre-production right now yet the rub is I dislike 95% of the movies I see. I have not even been to the movie theatre in more than a year because I cannot bear the thought of sitting through drivel.
The only enjoyment I get from most movies is reading a good skewering in The Wall Street Journal or elsewhere. Movies suck and I'm not really sure who is responsible but I'm afraid we are primarily to blame by continuing to go see bad movies and allow Hollywood to delude itself into thinking it puts out good product.
Case in point: "War of the Worlds." Tom Cruise is a delusional fool but I put more stock into Spielberg than I should have. I thought Spielberg was all about story. Instead I am treated to 2+ boring hours that were so predictable and can only be described as follows:
-Aliens attack and Tom and family runs and hides.
-Aliens attack again and Tom and family runs and hides again.
-Aliens attack some more then they die and everyone who had more than 3 lines lives.
The only decent part was Morgan Freeman's 30 second intro and closing.
This is pathetic. It wasn't even exciting in a no-brainer "Day After Tomorrow" way and it made "Independence Day" look like "Potemkin." I'm really bummed. Maybe I'll look at Thom Jane again and feel a little better...
I was totally pissed after seeing this movie! It was so bad and if was not for the fact I was feeling pity for the hubby not wanting to go alone, I would have never went. I hate Tom Cruise anyway, his acting skills leave much to be desired, and he personally seems like one big prick.
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