The Players Club

16 Gramercy Park South
I need to get laid.
I went out last night to the Haru on Union Square with "A" and "I." I have known these 2 since 4th grade. A has always been beautiful. The kind of girl who just makes connections with people all the time and then the next thing you know she's touring with U2 or living with some big time producer or traveling to China. Men go nuts over her. I think they just look in her eyes and look at the way she moves and know that sex with her will be a semi-spirtual encounter.
But I is all about her career. She's one of these people who has managed to parlay "good with math" and knowing a second language into a successful career in banking.
Anyway, we hung out and had Sushi and it was too crowded but whatever. I'm so over scenes of any kind.
I had a horrible day earlier because I never, ever spend a full day at the office and as it is near Haru, I decided to stay at work all day.
I work with a bunch of real estate brokers and by the end of the day my head was throbbing. With RE brokers more than anyone else, the real world never seems to intrude on their lives. All and everything revolves around deals. They are the most ignorant group of people I have ever encountered.
Anyway, by 5:30 I could not take it so I walked to the Starbucks on Union Square. I never have Starbucks anymore because it is so anti-climatic. So, I walk in and there are something like 15 people on line and that Starbucks is so poorly run I know that means at least a 20 minute wait so I leave. Paying $5 to wait to drink a completely inconsistant beverage was not appealing to me just then. All I wanted to do was sit down and chill.
So I walked all the way up to 23rd before I found another one. I ordered a venti white chocolate mocha with no cream and no fat and of course it came with cream and was not mixed properly so it was all nauseating syrup at the bottom. Why can't these people mix these things right? I don't get it.
Anyway, I did get a seat which is what I laid down my dime for.
So I walk to Haru and have only 2 Sushi rolls because I always forget that I need to fucking eat.
Afterwards, I bails but A takes me to The Players Club where she is a member. Players is this totally cool mansion on Gramercy Park and is a private club for actors, writers, etc. Anyway, that link is about the building not the club because Players is a little teensy bit run-down so I'm not surprised they do not have a site.
But she gives me the tour and then we go hang out with some guys down in the bar. These 2 guys were both writers (one fairly well known) and both in their early 60s and both 3/4 shit-faced.
Anyway, these 2 were all over me: flirting, asking if I'm an actor "Because you're so handsome," and grabbing my arm and saying things like "hard as a rock" and more or less trying to show off/compete with one another over me. Of course I'm a frigging pushover for comps so I'm sitting there like Tandelayo, acting like I'm a little embarassed by the attention.
But they gave up too fast. I think they just assumed I was completely unattainable. The sad part is I've been so horny lately that I at least would have let the cuter of the two blow me or jerk me off.
But whatever. A splits and I do soon after and then take a very long very dreary subway ride into Brooklyn. That's the downside of Brooklyn, man. Waiting for those subway transfers.
Anyway, that dude I saw at my gym the other day finally emailed me back and said it was him and he wants to chill soon, so we'll see. He's the type I have to be in the mood for. I mean, I generally like guys about 5'8" or 9" and he's shorter. He's Latin which is cool but he's sorta got a lotta Asian happening in the face too which is not always my choice. But he's got a nice body and a big curved dick which is a plus. I'll let you know...
My first time at your blog Bart, and I find it coolness, and I truly hope you get laid soon.....nothing worse than not be able to have it when you really want it.... :)
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