Frey Revisited

James Frey's Root Canal?
I'm having second thoughts about the James Frey mess. Part of it is because journalists keep digging and prodding and keeping it alive. I'm not surprised. Most journalists are overworked, underpaid and underappreciated and many have a book they cannot get published so someone like James Frey automatically makes them envious. Add the scandal and they have perfect opportunity to let it rip.
I guess I just did not realize how much he had lied about. The thing about having root canal with no painkiller is so absurd. The last time anyone had root canal with no painkiller was when Larry Olivier worked on Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man. Another work of fiction, that is.
And it goes on.
Oprah Semple McPherson should have waited a little longer with her verdict because in my opinion Frey is moving from gray area to out-and-out manipulation to make a buck territory.
I love Tom Zeller Jr.'s piece in The Times today. I had not realized people were doubting the veracity of his writing way back.
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