Thursday, February 23, 2006


I edited my links tonight, primarily to remove those that I feel are really no longer of any interest to me. I feel cleansed already.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmmm......there is one noticeable change. After that boring "random shit" post yesterday, I don't blame you...

10:58 PM  
Blogger Bart said...

Michael, I have completely lost interest in that site. I think what put me over the edge was that post about "writing about stuff other than sex" and all of the kudo comments from the fan base.

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not going to get an argument out of me. "I like ipods" *rolls eyes*

Today's post is another example of why I think the whole thing is fiction. He meets a guy at the gym, they flirt, the whole set-up, but nothing happens.

The guy will reappear eventually, he'll probably have a threesome with Alex and King Kong or Alex will start cheating on King Kong with him, but he'll definitely be back in the story, that's the way this guy writes it. He always introduces new characters that have meaning to the story the same way. Trust me, we'll be seeing more of "Dean".

The transparency of it all is comical. I can't believe people fall for it, to me, he's no more a believable writer than James Frey.

11:53 PM  
Blogger Bart said...

OK, you have me curious now so I have to go and read it...

12:07 AM  
Blogger Bart said...

Wow, I could barely find the post what with all the ads and "sponsored by" stuff, it looks completely commercial now and he has a different url whatever that implies. But I'm sure the fan base will be thrilled.

It's funny how all this stuff started after the "Alexgate" of the last few days. Honestly, what did it for me was the removing of comments. I find that so odd and creepy. I would only remove a comment if somebody posted my real name and social security #.

12:20 AM  
Blogger Bart said...

so wait a sec: is this his inspiration/aspiration?

12:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure the fans will go crazy tomorrow posting how "cool" the new look is. They're easily impressed.

Do you see what I mean about the post being a set-up for future stories? It seems subtle, but it's not. It's very obvious that it's a new character.

The whole blog is written that way, like fiction, not like your blog or other blogs that you can automatically tell without question that they are real.

I know I'm obsessed with it, but I find it so fascinating that people believe him and seem truly envious of him.

The last question I asked him, before he turned on comment moderation, was how, if he was so busy with his job, social life, working out, fucking, and just everyday life could he be on line EVERY TIME to delete my post minutes after I posted it.

It wasn't possible, I posted at different times of the day and night just to prove my point, but every time, with in minutes he deleted my post. The guys a liar.

1:12 AM  
Blogger Bart said...

It is fascinating. And yes, I did see what you mean about the intro of a new character. Reminds me of a soap opera/TV writing a la "Sex & The City."

I also cannot get over how blatantly commercial it is now. It reminds me of cable news what with their scrolls and and rows and rows of effluvium mucking up the screen. But I suppose that it will be perceived as entrepreneurial.

I'm still not sure what I believe but I think there are actually a lot of people who feel it is fiction. There certainly were many comments to the effect of "I always enjoy your stories." The word "story" is ambiguous but does not exactly scream "fact"-- or even roman a clef. But many more clearly think this is a factual account of a life, albeit a life sans family and work and any overall angst.

11:35 AM  

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