Trump v Stewart: Open the Accounting Books Challenge

Martha Stewart
I can't stand these two. Trump is a buffoon who carries on like he is some self-made man which he is most certainly not (Hello? His father?) while Martha represents these elitist snobs who think that they are high above the swarming proletariats and don't have to play by the same rules.
Who is worse? What a conundrum! I used to despise Trump more, then Stewart, then Trump again, then Stewart again as at the very least Trump positions himself as "local boy done good" which, while far from true, appeals to the masses. Ms. Stewart, on the other hand, clawed her way to the top and there's a long trail of the dismembered behind her.
Anyway, with the latest, I am back with Stewart again.
What is going on with him? Is it just publicity for his dumb show or is he trying to deflect attention away from something else?
If I were Martha, I would have gone right below the belt and issued a release that said:
"My company is publicly traded and its value can be quantified daily. It is currently valued at balblahblah.
Mr. Trump, meanwhile, claims to be worth 10 Billion dollars. It is widely believed in the business community that he is worth 3-5 Million dollars. If Mr. Trump would like to have an "Open Book Challenge" with me, I would gladly comply."
They are ridiculous. But their ridiculousness is very entertaining.
Even funnier is Martha going OFF on Trump on Alexis' radio show. Oh, man.
You can hear the Martha on her MySpace page.
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