Thursday, March 02, 2006


I remember when I was a little kid I was always mystified by the "no spitting" signs on the subway platform. Who the hell spits?

Well, now that I live in a working class enclave of Brooklyn I have the answer. It is amazing to me that amount of men, women and children that spit on the street. Men especially seem to do it if they are walking towards me. They scowl from a distance and then about 6 feet before passing me by, they turn to the gutter and spit. I guess this is supposed to scare me or be some territorial thing or some macho thing. I dunno. I saw a woman do it too, right over the subway platform and onto the tracks. It was fucking disgusting.

Anyway, I have to watch my ass because I tend to say things outloud sarcastically like "nice" or "beautiful" or "lovely" and while I'm strong and can fight one of these days someone who is stronger and can fight harder will start with me and then I'll be in trouble.

I'm surprised the guys at my gym don't spit on the floor. Instead they tend to throw weights, curse and grab their packages a lot. There was this one guy yesterday, total Guido, throwing his weights around next to me like he wanted me to start something. Anyway, He was walking towards me at one point and grabbed a handful of cock through his sweats and moved things around. It was weird. So deliberate and that shit only works if it's done unconsciously. But this guy was not cruising or anything, I think he just had a lot going on in terms of his idea of how-a-man-should-act.

When I was a senior in high school my friend Carrie said to me something like, "Bart, do you have any idea how many people hate you?" I was understandably concerned and distressed but she meant it as some kind of compliment. She said, "People see you walking down the hall, proud, with your head up, laughing and talking to other people and they hate you because they want to be like that." Now, Carrie was a little crazy and I don't know if she was right or just being dramatic but it does kind of reminds me of the old "don't hate me because I'm beautiful" ad campaign. The queens I hung out with in the 80s used to love that and what they meant was "don't try to knock me down because I have accomplished something and that bothers you and taps into your own feelings of insecurity and inferiority."

Well, that's how I feel about a lot of people in the gym and on the street and in life. As much as I complain, I am generally pretty happy with myself. I am smart, I am funny, I am good, I am attractive and I am proud. I've always had good posture and I'm tall and I walk around with my shoulders back and chest (ever-growing chest lol) out. And I can see some bad people with a sneer on their face try to make eye contact with me because they hate me for no reason and want to start something so they have an excuse to hurt me.


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