
That is me. I have to take a narcotics test this week so I have thrown away (well, put aside) all of my vices (drugs) for the next few days.
As far as the job, it is all still up in the air. I was ambushed yesterday by coming in for an innocent meeting and then being lead to the CEO's office. Nobody told me that, I'm sure deliberately. I did fine. CEOs are people, too.
Anyway, I don't want to write too much about this here until this is finished. Everything is being handled very strangely. I got a "sort-of" offer. An offer with contingencies. It's a real buzz kill. I think I have about a 35% chance of getting this job depending on how thorough their vetting is. They will find things they will not like if they dig too deeply. I hate to be evasive but I am superstitious and will explain it all when it is over.
It is so ironic, though. It's the ideal job for me, a nice salary, and I have been so dissatisfied for so long yet I suspect it will not happen.
I went to see my Mom and Dad today and I told them all about it. My Dad was so cool. I thought he would say something judgmental like "You should never fabricate anything on your resume ever." But instead he was like: "Everyone does it. I did it 45 years ago and they called me on it and I said to them "would you have hired me otherwise?" And they said "No" and they kept me based on my performance." It was a good story not because he had a happy ending (because I do not expect that) but because I felt better hearing that he was feeling inadequate about certain things at one time and lied too. I love them a lot.
Anyway, I feel a bit emotionally drained from all this. I'm going to look for something fun to post...
Wish I was there I'd give you a nice hand job.
me too, as i had to give myself one...
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