Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Bored vs Content?

My whole life I've imagined it would feel good to be settled and just "be." Well, my job is fine, my house is fine, I've been to 4% body fat and I'm fine having 10 extra lbs, I've had enough sex to last a lifetime, so what am I to do? I am bored. Usually I would be filling my empty spots with some project(re-build my closets! Scan things! plan Thanksgiving dinner! Edit my novel! Plan for a home gym in my basement!) but I have not been. I am so bored. I'll tell ya, being a stressed out, jobless, poor, substance abuser was kind of a drag but at least it was contantly interesting.

I'm not sure what to do? Part of me wants to relax and enjoy it before one of my parents get sick or whatever but another part of me just wants to cause some trouble.

I think I'll channel my efforts into work and trying to get some new business. Work and exercise I suppose. But I am still bored...


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