Sunday, August 20, 2006

Stranger than Fiction

This is the kind of weird thing that would only happen to me.

I got this piece of junk mail in the house I occupy and own, the house I have lived in for about a year, the house in a part of Brooklyn I had not stepped foot in in nearly 25 years prior to moving here.

The junk mail was addressed to a name that sounded vaguely familiar. Then not long after I got another piece to a name that sounded very familiar. And it rang a bell.

There was a girl I worked with from about 1986-1988 when I was in school. She had an older bf I did not much like but the girl was OK and we saw some movies like Platoon and Angel Heart together.

The BF was way older which probably meant 40ish. Last I heard about them they had cohabitated, married and moved to Canada 15 years ago.

Well I go on Property Shark and find his name as having once owned my house. Then today I ask my neighbor who has lived next door for 36 years and he totally remembers them and even went to visit them in Toronto.

This is weird shit. Some friend I had briefly in the 80s lived with her husband in the house I own today (There was another owner between us for years) and I only found out because of Citibank junk mail.

Weird shit.


Blogger mickeyitaliano said...

wow Bart...that's kind of a weird comment from your Mom. I had thought she was your unspoken allie (sp?). I feel for you man...That was rough. But on the brighter side...hey, you got your new stove! Cool.
See... when you are ready to finally move to Oregon with that guido neighbor who is married with kids, the reSale on your house will escalate when some yuppie SUV stroller driving Mom walks in that door and see's that Viking. (Although we both know that Lupita, the Guatamalan refugee is the real cook in that family.)

Fuck the Canadians, do you have any ghosts in that place?

11:23 PM  

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