Borough Sex

Chewable Borough Ass
I recently made the leap from Manhattan to Brooklyn and not all poseur Brooklyn like Williamsburg or fake Tribeca like DUMBO or that odd combination of Chelsea and the Upper East Side known as Park Slope but real down and dirty working class Brooklyn.
I love it. First off, I can wear the same jeans and sweater for days on end and it just does not matter. Secondly, everyone I meet in the neighborhood asks if I'm married and wants to set me up. With their daughter/sister/niece. Third, my body, which gets about a B/B+ in Manhattan is considered A+ here. (I think I'd be off the scale in the midwest lol.)But best of all, there are all these damn cute hot working class men running around. And it's so hard to tell what's what. There is no outwardly gay scene here but there is this major undercurrent and you feel it and when you pick up on it, it's hot. What I mean is, everyone is so butch, probably out of necessity, but you know a lot of them are gay or DL and when you connect, it's awesome.
Case in Point: I saw this guy come into the gym the other day. Noticed him right off. About 5'8" and humpy. Big neck and shoulders and chest but not overly defined. Good thick head of hair, light brown. Great skin, not a blemish on him. This kid was pure Polish peasant stock, maybe with one Italian grandparent thrown in. Totally straight looking little pugilist. USMC shirt but not all faggy and tight. I got so hard but put it outta my head. Straight Boy. He did his own thing, got on the bike and I was on the tread behind him so I got a nice look.
Well, he finished up and about 5 minutes later so did I. Went down to the locker room and couldn't decide whether or not to go through all the drama of a steam/sauna:
1)Sometimes I want a real steam or sauna but I get distracted by sex.
2)Sometimes I want sex but get distracted by the steam or sauna (too hot/cold/I get too dehydrated etc.)
3)Sometimes the person I want does not want me or vice-versa.
4)Sometimes it's boring and the guy just wants to "look."
5)Sometimes, there are just too many trolls and it sends my cock down.
6)Sometimes there is the very real possibility of getting busted.
Anyway, I saw my little Pugilistic Polish Peasant head off butt naked and enter the steam room. He had a very nice ass. Completely the kind of ass that you want to chew--fleshy but firm.
So, I showered and went into the (empty) sauna. If anybody wanted me they could come get me. 5 minutes later PPP walks in, butt naked. Starts doing this whole thing where he changes positions every couple of minutes. Sitting naked. On his back naked. Then my favorite: Stretching with his back to me giving me an awesome view of that ass.
Well, that did it, I started getting hard. I wasn't sure where this was going but whatever. So get this: He looks right at my lengthening cock and says in this deep voice: "Nice View." But it wasn't all gay, it was like a friendly, buddy, headshaking in wonderment at my cock's size kind of comment. Well, fuck, that got me harder cuz nothing gets me off more than someone I'm into who's into me.
There aren't too many salacious details. It was not happening that day but we played a little grab-ass and exchanged digits. Potential booty call for sure.
Speaking of booty calls, I saw this guy today I've been trying to trick with at my gym. That's another thrill I dig: seeing somebody that looks kinda familiar, wondering how I know him, then remembering: Oh yeah, he sent me like 7 naked pics of himself. Anyway, I texted him today and asked if it was him, I'll let you know if he answers.
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