Famous People I Used to Know

Nicole Parker
It's funny, I got to thinking about Nicole Parker recently. I knew her from 1989-1992 when we both had the same part time job and I was good friends with one of her roommates. I always liked Nikki. She was very young when I first met her, and very innocent. She was the first person I ever had as a friend who was born in the 70s, she was a baby.
But she was always very focussed on her career. I remember seeing her once at a big house party and she was with this big dude who was all wrong for her. She was flirting with him like crazy and at one point I gave her this quizzical look (as in why him? you can't like him?) And she winked at me. It was all part of the plan.
She was exceptionally beautiful. Dark hair, fantastic honey skin, and amber eyes. But honestly I did not think she was "going to make it." But she had that perseverance. I remember seeing her in some cheesey thing about a girl band on FOX, and some theatre, and then the teen lesbian movie. Then she made "Boogie Nights" and it all took off. Now she's a big star, or at least a big black star. She was always a cool girl and I wish her well. I never saw her take a drink or a drug in all the time I knew her. Probably why she's so beautiful.
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