Happy Endings

Bobby Cannavale

Short Jake or Tall Maggie?
I saw "Happy Endings" today. It wasn't great but was watchable and at some times even good.
I think Don Roos bit off more than he could chew. At times, the film resembled "The Opposite of Sex" almost too closely which was unfortunate as that was a superior film.
He seemed to be attempting to do one of those Many-People-Whose-Lives-All-Intersect movies that always seem to take place in LA. (Short Cuts, Magnolia, Crash.) Seriously, why do they all take place in LA?
Anyway, Maggie Gyllenhaal is really good in it. I like her and hopefully she will not become annoying like her brother. She has a really cool face, she looks exactly like people looked in the 20s and 30s.
Bobby Cannavale was also in it and I like him, too. I thought he was great in "The Station Agent" and in his tiny role on "Six Feet Under" and he got great notices in the revival of "Hurly, Burly" last year. I would totally fuck him.
Speaking of "Six Feet Under," the closing scenes on "Happy Endings" captioned what would happen to the characters 20 and 30 years down the line. Reminded me of the final "Six Feet Under."
Laura Dern plays her typical angry lesbian type role, literally in this case. I remember first seeing her in "Foxes" where she played this little trouble-maker. I loved "Foxes." It came out around the same time as "Little Darlings" and that was the more jovial film that all the kids my age liked but I gravitated towards the nihilism of "Foxes." That movie has the all time scariest "teen-party gone out of control" scene ever. Plus Cherie Curie from "The Runaways" was in it and she was a hot fuck-up. I remember she got picked up by some creepy couple in a car. I thought it was a man and a woman but my sophisticated (we were 12) friend Laura said it was really two men. She used some term to describe them that to this day I cannot remember.
But back to "Happy Endings." Peter Horton popped up in a tiny role and damn he got old. I remember he was like the "thinking girl's sex symbol" of the 80s on "Thirty-Something."
Maggie Gyllenhaal does a lot of singing in the movie and according to the Internet, it is her voice. I am skeptical as it is an awesome voice. Shocking even. She sings a couple of Billy Joel songs I haven't heard in 25 years ("Honesty" and "Just the Way You Are") as well as some other stuff that reminds me of Blondie's Debbie Harry ballads on "Parallel Lines" and "Eat to the Beat." There's a song called "Shayla" that this song in "Happy Endings" totally reminded me of.
Blondie was my first favorite band. I thought Debbie Harry was da bomb.
Is Jake Gyllenhaal really short? Looks it in this photo. So many guys in Hollywood are so short, it's amazing. Speaking of short, I read that hot US skier Jeremy Bloom is going out for the NFL. In the article it said he was measured at 5'9" and 173lbs but he's usally 185lbs. Damn. I like a short, dark-haired muscly guy.
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