Oprah & The Ebersols

Charlie Ebersol and Ryan Gosling

Dick Ebersol, Susan Saint James and Teddy Ebersol
Today Susan Saint James, Dick Ebersol and their two sons Charlie and Willie were on Oprah.
First off, I have the weirdest feelings about that family and what happened to them. Part of me is so envious as they just come across as the fantasy of the family I wished I had: A totally cool Mom who used to be an actress. Brothers who are not only supportive but affectionate. Half-siblings named "Harmony" and "Sunshine." A father who is not distant but not smothering. And they are fabulously wealthy in a low-key, Connecticut, WASPy but Catholic kind of way. Very Skakel yet the hint of Bohemia. And have multiple homes and seem really well adjusted and liberal and well versed in noblesse oblige.
Plus, Charlie is so hot. He really is. And so earnest. And so sensitive. And he cries like crazy. And his brother holds his hand and strokes him while he sobs. The girls must go nuts over him. He's like Tim Hutton in "Ordinary People" all survivor's guilt and shit. But cuter.
They are so raw yet so well-adjusted and in-touch with their feelings. I so want to be in that family.
Yet, of course, they have this awful tragedy that they all have to live with. And it's one of those tragedies that come about because you are so successful. Very wealthy people are always dying in small planes because they have multiple homes and like to travel when they want to travel and small planes are dangerous.
Oprah seemed at a loss for words which is odd. I think she really got caught up in the whole thing of "I am never going to be a Mom and have a family like they have." Plus, she gets all quiet and tries to be all serious and journalistic and shit when somebody mega-successful in her industry (like Dick Ebersol) is on.
Whatever, Something about this is bothering me and I can't put my finger on it...Stay tuned.
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