Tuesday, April 18, 2006


So about 3 weeks ago my iPod from 13 months ago died. 13 months is significant because after 12 there is no warranty. I had to pay $50 to find out from Apple that my only choice was getting a new one. So, I get a new, better one and then days later my whole computer dies. So I'm psyched that my music library is preserved on the iPod because I can just transfer it back to the desktop...but no. Apple will not let you transfer music from the iPod to the desktop, only vice versa. I am so pissed because now I am at a complete standstill. If I sync the iPod it will have no music on it because it will synch to blank iTunes. I want my money back. Apple sucks. If anyone knows a way around this ridiculous rule, please share.


Blogger mickeyitaliano said...

Navigating Message Boards suck re: iPods and that site. I freaking never got an answer to a simple question.
I would see if someone in Online Help of your new PC could help you...Good Luck

P.S. Have you ever been to the VideoShare site? I will tell you more upon your answer. (It's a HOT movie clip)

10:35 AM  
Blogger Bart said...

Would you believe that right after I got the new computer and had no favorites any more, I stumbled across video share and it became my inaugural bookmark on this system?

10:30 PM  
Blogger mickeyitaliano said...

SYNCHRONICITY...I told you. Anyway, put 'guys' in the subject (which I'm sure you have)and check out "Gym Shower"...then, go to the 'guy' who posted gym Shower and check out the other vids he posted...there is one called "Big Brother Hard Shower"...I have no gay friends so I did not know who to share these two videos with...
But, knowing our telekinetic relationship, you probably have seen them.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Glynn said...

If I may, can I ask what video share site you are talking about? I want to watch some hot videos also..... lol

11:45 AM  

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