Saturday, April 08, 2006

One week later

OK, first off, I will get back to writing near daily again shortly. I just want to say that I just came off my first full week of real M-F work in more than 5 years, and certainly my first week of real work coming in from Brooklyn.

And the consensus: Shit, I'm tired.

It takes me an hour door to door each way, plus I like to get to work by 8:30, plus I must go to the gym near the office at least 3 mornings a week or I cannot function. So, I wake up at either 5 or 6AM depending on gym or not. As awful as 5AM is, the commute is actually better and I can get a seat.

It's also nice to be at a real, fully functional McGym again. Complete with cute polysyllabic guys. But that commute home is ugly. 3 trains and never a chance of sitting.

So, this week was exhausting as I got used to a new gym and a new schedule plus my new computer did not arrive until Tuesday.

Oh, yeah, and the job...

The Job. Hmmm. It is odd for me because it is the first time I have not started a job and either immediately been miserable or felt superior/hostile to everyone.

It is also the first time I have started a job with no fear. I did not make it sound like I could do things I had never done. I am very qualified and my biggest problem is going to be not moving too fast because I am a bit ahead of people there in terms of methodology and thinking process. I also don't want them to know how efficiently I work because then they will lay more on me.

I also have much more confidence coming into this job than ever before. Maturity. I have been through a lot over the last 10 years: The first 5 of those were career related---I had a job that moved at warp speed and I did everything there and had enormous professional growth and worked with some marketing legends. The second 5 were personal and involved death, 9/11, 2 extremely humbling jobs, big money highs and lows, and other sundry items. At this point I am more or less unflappable. Plus I have no interest in making friends and in who is nice/mean to me.

I am also amazed at the politics. I am from a collaborative business background. This place is like the cliché where I ask a question or present an idea and everyone looks at the CEO's reaction before they offer an opinion.

I think I need to chill a bit because my mind races and I see myself either outgrowing or running the company in a few months. It's kind of how I used to be about exercise: I wanted big muscles in 3 months and it does not work that way. Working out should be a lifetime thing and growth comes over years, not weeks and months.

It is really weird though because projects I worked on 5 years ago have still not reached this company. The upside is that I have done a lot of work in the past I can present as new. The downside is that they may not recognize certain ideas or ways of thinking as good.

Anyway, this weekend has been about chilling. I am so tired and I still woke up too early today. If I remember correctly I'll probably sleep great tonight and finally feel better tomorrow, just to start all over again...

Oh, and all my files are still trapped on the old computer. Annoying.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're back, why I don't know, but I did miss you. You make me laugh, you're so arrogant. Are you ever going to read that story I sent you Mr. Self Absorbed?

2:43 AM  
Blogger mickeyitaliano said...

Hey Bart;
I can totally relate to being unflappable after certain time periods. Also, me and the Fuck Bud were having the same convo last night regarding these MBA-ers and their either blank slates of ideas or the fact that they are lemmings in this machine fearing to voice themselves for fear of their paychecks.
Keep your voice.

5:44 PM  

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