Monday, November 27, 2006

Last Week, This Week, Next Week

Last week was so busy at work plus I had Thanksgiving at my house and had to make a bloody agenda for cooking etc. I am exhausted. I don't feel like writing but a few bon mots...

1) There is a new lad in my gym who I am all chatty with now. I used to think it was so hard to pick up people when I was younger. Now I know it is very easy. You just start talking. It is so much better than standing there aloof and looking cool. Anyway, I don't know what I wanna do with him yet.

2) My other gym boy came running over to after he saw me chatting this new one up. Shook my hand hello in this butch borough greeting that goes on here. I don't know what I want to do with him, either.

3) I am entering one of those phases where I just want to work all the time. Just stay there far too late and get there far too early. I can only assume it is addictive behavior again.

4) I remain unhealthily envious of this chick at work. Today the CEO took her to lunch. Why? Why??

5) I need someone to talk to work-stuff about. Not family because they don't get it. Not work people, of course. Most of my friends are just not interested. I need like a work-support group.

6) I'm feeling a tad unhinged these days. Very bi-polar. Sometimes I feel like I am the greatest thing since sliced bread, sometimes like I am about to get fired.

7) This young guy I had one night with when he was 22 (he is 25 now) and we remained friends is coming to NYC the weekend of the 15th. I told him I would be in South America. I can't deal with him. He is very sweet and funny and cute but I did not like the sex with him. He was good and energetic and into it and I would call him a masculine bottom, but he is such a bottom, no ifs ands or buts (hehe) about it. All I want is for him to be with someone who loves him. He likes me and makes believe he doesn't and I know if we went out it would happen again so it's better this way.

Anyway, there's probably more but I need to go to bed...


Blogger mickeyitaliano said...

My 2 cents

The dog will make you late for work and make you punch out at 5 like Fred Flintstone.
And these are good things.
Puppy Breath, Unconditional Love, Knowing they know so much more than scientists say they do. (Did you catch that special on 'Nova' about dogs recently?)
Everyday I see this gorgeous Chocolate Lab (bomb sniffer) @ the ferry. Brian (ex lover/friend-15 yrs)had one. I knew 'Rex' from 6 weeks til 4 years. I stand in the ferry every a.m. looking at this gorgeous, obediant love; and great thoughts, positive thoughts flood through my mind.
Plus, dogs are magnets for hotties. (and eccentrics).
My only Q is : does this little cutie get bigger or will you be walking it in Chelsea?

Gym: When I was amid sexual identities, I could not score either way (or so I thought). When I met co-worker Laura (gorge...) and we would be out and about suddenly every girl walking down the block was checking me out. Same when I was with Brian. But the thing is, it was me(us) all along. Don't play their reindeer games Bart. These guys sound youngish and they are showing their age (High School). It's great that you feel like you can start a conversation and not give a shit if the person thinks any ulterior motive, and then you get the added suprise of making someone jealous.

Did you cook everything on Thanksgiving? How did it turn out?

I was on the subway yesterday sitting next to these two 'Film Forum' types. The female used Agitprop in a sentance. I grinned broadly.

8:14 PM  
Blogger Luciferus said...

You call those "bon mots"? [g]


12:08 PM  
Blogger Bart said...

L: Go grade a term paper :-)

10:39 PM  

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