the REAL Sarah

Initiation of Sarah Remake

Initiation of Sarah Original
Everyone who knows me knows I love TV Movies of the 70s, a time when hitchhiking in cut-offs would almost certainly lead to prostitution. Well, I have waxed poetic on this blog somewhere about my love for seminal TV Movie Initiation of Sarah with Kay Lenz as a Carrie White type. Imagine my utter dismay when I saw this notice in the post (above.) Give credit where credit is due. This is a remake. I am disturbed.
I also have the ultimate reference guide to every single TV Movie made and aired in the 60s and 70s, caption for IoS above. Look at that cast...
Ah Bart;
With each little morsel you expound in this blog about yourself I become convinced you and I were seperated at birth and that is why my mother is a timid creature to this day by hiding this secret. <---Good Lifetime movie!
"Death Scream"...I know you saw this. About Kitty Genovese being raped in NYC as 16 nieghbors watched. Awesome (not the plot, but the movie). The second best is: "Nightmare in Badham County"...with Deborah Raffin(recently on L&O...looking good still), Mr. Brady, Della Reese (!),and both the aforementioned starred Tina Louise as well. But' I have a tie for 1st place. "Dawn: Portrait of a..." with Eve Plumn as a teen hooker,(where I discovered "The Runaways" via 'Cherry Bomb' being played everytime she walk H'wood Blvd.) and; (and this may sound stupid) a TV movie I have been thinking of remaking and updating ala "sarah" (not Sarah T-alcoholic,either (which is like #4 on my list...Linda Blair/broomstick), but I will give you one hint, since I do not believe blogs have copywrite rules. I'll give you one word, and I know you know this (and if in your travels; you mull this scenerio over and come up with an idea and you feel we can collaborate on this, let me know). Okay here is the word...'Ronald.' Write me, and tell me what you
I think Mickey is into you.
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