My New Bathroom

My New Bathroom
OK, It is done and I am tired. Today I installed the new sink, hung all the cabinets, installed all the hardware (towel bars, shelves, hooks, etc.) all while my drill died and I could not find my level.
But I am more or less done.
Tomorrow I get back to reality and call that HR twat...But whatever happens, they can't take my "new" bathroom away from me.
Wow...can you come and do mine next...I'd blow you.
All I get is a a BJ? HA. Hey, I tried posting a comment on your "friend's" blog and he didn't approve it. I feel so honored to be on the "Nixon hate list." That Antigua story is so sketchy. I've been all over those islands and most are so homophobic and most hotels are so straight. It's nearly impossible for a gay tourist to get randomly laid down there unless he pays for it...I love how that Antigua native commented and was like "What? Where's that bar?"
I'm the one that said it was the most boring story he's ever written. I couldn't believe he posted it.
He's posted some of my other comments too. I always find it amusing when he does.
Your right about that story, it was too much. Fucking his friend, a massage from a chick giving him a boner *rolls eyes*, and a lousy fuck from an Argentinian.
I sent him a "note", that he didn't publish, about how lazy he is getting with the blog and that it shows in his writing. For over the last month the stories have been way below average.
He would never admit it, but he is very influenced by the things I say to him and has been all along.
As far as the "hate list", he probably reads your blog and the comments we write to each other. He seems to monitor other blogs, I notice that he makes comments on other blogs all the time.
He likes to think he has people fooled into thinking he has some big important job, but I don't buy it. He spends way too much time on the internet to be working a corporate job. He's full of shit.
JFC, did you read the new Gordon story that he posted this evening?
He's really reaching and he's giving away a few of his inspirations.
How does anyone believe these stories are real?
I just read it now but I have to admit I skimmed a bit because I find most sex writing so boring.
Anyway, the plot was implausible on so many levels ---straight out of gay porn 101, I'm surprised they didn't order a pizza during the massage and do the delivery guy.
Not to mention it was very redundant. Am I having deja vu? Didn't something like this just happen?
As far as other people? I think many of them know that this is not real---that is why so many refer to the posts as "stories, writing, etc."
As far as those that believe it verbatim? People believe what they want to believe, they want to be lead, they want to believe that someone somewhere is living a life they wish they could and they then bask in the reflected glory by having an online connection to that person.
I think he really is slipping and I don't think I'm the only one that thinks so.
The comments on his stories have gone down, even some of the more enthusiastic supporters have stopped posting.
There are less of the "Hot story dude, that gave me a boner" type post every time he writes something.
This story was bad and you're right, it sounded repetitious. He needs to come up with some new lines.
What happen with the HR twat?
Check out my latest comment under the "Lunch with Patrick" thread. He really doesn't understand sarcasm, does he?
Ha! That is so funny. It is refreshing to see an advertorial post, chock-a-block with links, they had been missing for a while.
It is so ludicrous. Hardly anyone has offices any more, much less offices with doors that lock, even less offices with walls that are anything but glass. And I guarantee there are very few who would feel secure whipping it out at work, even in a very secure office.
He should have made himself the boss/owner/founder when he was creating his persona, then a private office would be somewhat plausible, but I suppose that conflicts with appealing to the masses as the masses like their protagonists successful, but not too successful.
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