New Dallas

When I was a kid I loved Dallas. They were all so mean, and those names? Sue Ellen? JR? Miss. Ellie? Valene? I'll never forget JR gettin some good ole boys to go and beat up Valene and steal baby Lucy and hide her away on South Fork.
Anyway, why does contemporary Hollywood have to go and muck everything up? I have heard that that fat queen John Travolta and that pig JLo have been offered the roles of JR and Sue Ellen. And Shirley MacLaine, who apparently will do anything for a check, has signed on as Miss. Ellie. Wrong wrong wrong, so wrong. Didn't she learn anything from the travesty known as "Bewitched?" And since Robert Luketic is responsible for this future flop, one can only assumer it is a comedic reworking. Great. "The Stepford Wives," anyone? Hollywood really sucks. And Luketic's films are getting worse as time goes by: "Legally Blonde" was great fun, "Tad Hamilton" was sweet but didn't quite make it and "Monster-in-Law" just reeked so bad I turned it off after half an hour.
They should just leave "Dallas" alone...
First off: "The Stepford Wives" and "Dallas"...both on Tina Louise's resume. She was JR's secretary until he had something to do with her death.
The casting for this is worse than "Bonfire..."
Agent: "Hi, umm...John Travolta has a couple of mortgage payments due"
Agent listens
Agent: "JR? Really? Hmmm, but I really think he'd like to tackle the more challenging role, Sue Ellen."
What's next fucking un origional Hollywood? The filmed version of "Small Wonder"?
Wow! Another Tina related item: Oleg Cassini, the designer of Ginger's dress on G.I. is eternally dressed in black, he was 92.
Oh yes, I remember TL on Dallas, she was sleeping with JR then maybe Jock and she got pushed off a building or something! And of course her foxy turn as Charmaine in Stepford will never be forgot--Remember when she played Kitty Genovese's lesbian lover in some TV movie in the mid 70s? With some typically subtle 70s TV Movie title like "They ALL Ignored Her Screams!!" lol
Wow, I think he was the one married to Gene Tierney, 92 is a good age to go...
Can I be a frat boy for a second? "I love you man"....
The movie was "Death Scream" great, great movie. But the best Fri. Night Movie with TL was when she was a prison matron. The scenerio was this black and white college friend duo (both chicks) who got pulled over and Chuck Conners planted dope in their tire. Then they had to go to jail/work farm. Any recollection? Della Reese was a prisoner in it! It was classic!
BTW: ask me about what Friday Night Movie is my remake when I interview agents.
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