Friday, March 17, 2006


So today I was sorta happy and shit and a lot of cool stuff happened, at least cool to me. I feel like I go through these periods sometimes (for a day or two or three) where my stars are aligned or something and good things happen and kind of lead from one to the other rapidly.

First my nephew called and said he was coming to NYC next weekend to stay with a friend and he wanted to know if I was free one night. I really like spending time with him and he is a senior in high school and it will not be long before I don't get to see him too often so I am psyched about that. It is also cool because his parents are total 90s parents and I know they did not tell him he had to see me because they never tell their kids they have to do anything so it is nice to know that he wants to see me because he wants to see me.

Then this recruiter-chick called about another job and it was nice to be wanted and listen to her description and tell her I had something else. Then this other HR chick from a job interview that went really well asked me to come back in to meet with some honcho next week and I am going to because you never fucking know...

I also found out that my current boss will be on vacation next week which is so cool because I can use next week to do nothing and quietly clear out my desk and when he gets back I can tell him I'm quitting and leave in 10 minutes.

Then I got called to do this really easy 1/2 hour former-smoker interview for some market research firm and they pay $150 which is cool because I like free $$$$.

And tomorrow my friend Ingrid is driving into big bad brooklyn to see me and take me out to dinner to celebrate.

And on and on and on.

So that's where my head is at.


Blogger Sam said...

Cool man! Congratulations on the new job and all the good stuff happening. And damn if the trees won't be green in a couple of weeks too.

4:07 PM  

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