Wednesday, March 15, 2006


If you can't say anything nice...Well, I rarely can. And that's why I just want to say how much I hate some (some! not all) blogs. Particularly the kind that goes on and on and on and on. (Double-hate if it's people lamenting about being single. Boring. Nobody cares. And it's very easy to not be single, you just need to lower your standards.)

This should come as no surprise considering how critical I am of film, art, music, books, TV, etc. I also feel that everything creative that can be done has been done already and all that's left is art inspired by other art. I tend to see the source of that inspiration and feel that people should acknowledge it. And if they don't realize it, don't see the inspiration, then hell, they should not be doing it.

But, to my credit, when I like something I tend to love it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey i'm new here, I came accross this board I have found It truly accommodating & it's helped me out loads. I hope to contribute & support others like it has helped me.

Thanks, See You Later

4:23 AM  

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