Sunday, September 24, 2006


There's this guy I met online and I saw him at my gym and said hi and was real cool and he came trotting over later to talk. So surreal. We've never met before until the gym but have already both seen each other naked in pics. Anyway, he wrote me an email later and told me I was "handsome" which I am certainly not but it was still nice to hear, I like when guys say that because what they are really saying is "I am attracted to you" which is evern better to hear. I am into him, too, but I have to say I have seen him a couple of times at the gym since then and he gives me a rise but I just feel like it is so much work to hook up...So he probably thinks I'm not into him and I am it's just that right now I'm not that into going through all the steps just to have a hook up. But I do think it would probably be good...I'll let you know.


Blogger mickeyitaliano said...

Your a smart guy.
Maybe your just not into the tangible person as oppossed (sp) to the virtual reality image. I think this kind of happens with (us---> PC whackers). Yeah, we want love and spooning and all that, but sometimes people don't measure up to the expectations. You've gotten hornier by guys on the train. If you were into this dude you know you would have been more demonstrative about 'going for a protien shake' or something after the workout.

6:16 AM  

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