Tuesday, October 03, 2006

She Does Not Use Botox

Unless it is reconstructive, I think plastic surgery is generally for losers (sorry, entire country of Brazil.) I think Botox is for bigger losers. I think it is so funny how it is now de rigeur to look scary-smooth whether you are in entertainment, media or are just some dumb, competitive yoga-loving mommy. I had a 2 year period where I was an ultra buff, food-measuring, caliper toting, Gucci wearing, self-tanning, facial-having slave. It was so much work and so boring amd all I ever got out of it was feeling shallowly elitist once in a while and the problem with that is that there is always someone who is better at the whole thing than you. So I stopped and came to realize that it is the domain of the shallow and insecure. The funny part is before I could barely get laid, now I can't keep 'em off me :-)

Anyway, I now have a new hero: Patricia Wettig. I used to like her on Thirty-something. She was kind of cranky and mean, but compelling, kind of like Betty Buckley on Eight is Enough...I never would have wanted Abby as my step-mom, she was a little cranky.

Well, Wettig has a role on "Brothers and Sisters." She is probably, maybe in her early to mid 50s and she is replendent in her wrinkles! I love it, crows feet, crinkles and big killer valleys. I am so in love. She looks fantabulous. It's confidence and confidence is fucking sexy.


Blogger mickeyitaliano said...

Man...this is gonna be a long one. Sorry. I dig Bro's & sisters. Calista, Rachel et al. Brilliant. I kind of like the male actors as well. Females have it bad...They don't age well on t.v. let alone HiDef tv. My girl Lauren Graham looks like the gobble gobble mascot for Thanksgiving and she is only 35. (90 in Hollywood).
Did you see Vanessa Williams taking Botox shots on
"Ugly Betty"? It must've been real cause her face did not move afterwards.
Bart, you made me laugh on my site.
Did you read where my new job may be "waste management"...
Some dude from rehab contacted me...(plus he is hot as fuck...a guido-natch)
I'll keep you posted.

11:49 PM  

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