Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sick of Technology

I'm sick of fucking passwords. I'm sick of my fucking computer not remembering my passwords. I'm sick of Blogger fucking me up. I have a very short fantasy of being 17 and in my room. Just for one night. Preferable a Saturday night and I am going out and getting very high and drinking and can sleep as late as I want the next day.

I have a speaking engagement tomorrow and have barely practiced and it is a new one so it will not come easily.

I had a thought today that eventually MySpace is going to be filled with the pages of a lot of dead people because I don't think they inactivate your account. That's kind of weird. Hypothetically there can come a time where there will be more MyDeadSpace pages than live because of course there will always be more dead people than living...


Blogger Frosty said...

Well you should visit in case you haven't already. It's apparently where all the dead myspacers end up. :}

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I googled I'm sick of technology and you came up. I'm sick of it too. I just can't keep up with it. It basically means that unless you're lucky enough to work in a really traditional field you're basically F****D employment-wise. I'm too old to be going on training courses every other bleeding month. Sick of the modern world we've created. And oh yes, not touched my Myspace account in months. Pages take too long to upload. I daresay people have died while trying to login.

6:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the most part I do not enter on blogs, but I would like to asseverate that this article really feigned me to do so! Thanks, categorically delicate article.

8:13 PM  

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