Sunday, August 20, 2006

Stranger than Fiction

This is the kind of weird thing that would only happen to me.

I got this piece of junk mail in the house I occupy and own, the house I have lived in for about a year, the house in a part of Brooklyn I had not stepped foot in in nearly 25 years prior to moving here.

The junk mail was addressed to a name that sounded vaguely familiar. Then not long after I got another piece to a name that sounded very familiar. And it rang a bell.

There was a girl I worked with from about 1986-1988 when I was in school. She had an older bf I did not much like but the girl was OK and we saw some movies like Platoon and Angel Heart together.

The BF was way older which probably meant 40ish. Last I heard about them they had cohabitated, married and moved to Canada 15 years ago.

Well I go on Property Shark and find his name as having once owned my house. Then today I ask my neighbor who has lived next door for 36 years and he totally remembers them and even went to visit them in Toronto.

This is weird shit. Some friend I had briefly in the 80s lived with her husband in the house I own today (There was another owner between us for years) and I only found out because of Citibank junk mail.

Weird shit.

Rescue Me

I'm late to the party on this one but I just started watching this show. I heard "9/11" when it first hit and tuned out. Maybe it's for the best because I just bought all the DVDs and now don't have to deal with TV. I really like it. Good writing and acting always wins me over.

My Oven

I got my new oven Friday so fuck my parents. I love it. It boils big pots of water in like a minute. And it looks intimidating. Cool.


My mother and father finally consented to see me after about 4 weeks. I was very patient but it is evident to me that they have crossed some threshold into old age/irrationality.

Everything is slowly getting better however my mother told me two things of interest:

1-"If it was not for your father, I would have cut you out of my life."
2-She saw her grandson after 10 years and said he resembled me and she felt that "She had lost one but gained another."

I don't even feel like going into this, except to say that I feel like I am in that Twilight Zone episode where the guy wakes up and his wife does not know him, they don't know him at his job, etc. She clearly had some kind of a break as I did nothing whatsoever to her besides write her an email where I said something snotty about my brother who deserves much more than mere snottiness...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Strange days. When I was away I was hot and tired and half conscious on the beach and had the most intense, hard-on inducing day-dream about...a woman. It was very hot and even when I "woke up" and realized I was thinking about a chick I stayed hard and longed to see the job to completion.

This is not new. There's this girl at work who got tipsy in Atlanta and told me she liked me. I think she still does. She knows I like boys but Ihave to admit there is some weird vibe between us. But I'm already acting just like a guy because the more I know her the less I want to fuck her, lol.

Seriously though, I think the best would be a threesome with a m/f couple. You know, the girl is hot and the guy is sorta curious and I could work with both of them. Damn, this really does work for me...

Oven vs. TV

Today I'm thinking I should get a new TV instead of a range/oven. I dunno. The existing versions I have of both are actually fine but I long to do something withe the money. I'm also thinking a good bike...

Timeline of Porn

I was bored and sweating on the train coming home tonight so I tried to think of a top moments in porn timeline or the technologies/events that had the biggest effect on porn.

Playboy Magazine-1950s

Penthouse shows Pubic hair-Late 60s

Deep Throat-Early 70s. Socially acceptable to see porn and porn makes money.

Video-Changes industry forever. Quality goes down but allows for every niche and brings it into anyone's home turning it into a multi-billion dollar business.

Traci Lords-Her underage resume is the catalyst for legislation and forces the industry to get more serious and resonsible.

AIDS/Condoms-Kills many, forces responsibility and some say ruins the mood permanently.

Internet-Another channel for distribution and promotion.

Viagra-What can I say? All the fluffers are now unemployed.