Stranger than Fiction
I got this piece of junk mail in the house I occupy and own, the house I have lived in for about a year, the house in a part of Brooklyn I had not stepped foot in in nearly 25 years prior to moving here.
The junk mail was addressed to a name that sounded vaguely familiar. Then not long after I got another piece to a name that sounded very familiar. And it rang a bell.
There was a girl I worked with from about 1986-1988 when I was in school. She had an older bf I did not much like but the girl was OK and we saw some movies like Platoon and Angel Heart together.
The BF was way older which probably meant 40ish. Last I heard about them they had cohabitated, married and moved to Canada 15 years ago.
Well I go on Property Shark and find his name as having once owned my house. Then today I ask my neighbor who has lived next door for 36 years and he totally remembers them and even went to visit them in Toronto.
This is weird shit. Some friend I had briefly in the 80s lived with her husband in the house I own today (There was another owner between us for years) and I only found out because of Citibank junk mail.
Weird shit.